ASTM E23-23a pdf - Standard Test Methods For Notched Bar Impact Testing Of Metallic Materials

09-04 ASTM E23 pdf

ASTM E23-23a pdf - Standard Test Methods For Notched Bar Impact Testing Of Metallic Materials.
These test methods describe notched-bar impact testing of metallic materials by the Charpy (simple-beam) test and the Izod (cantilever-beam) test. They give the requirements for: test specimens, test procedures, test reports, test machines (see Annex A1) verifying Charpy impact machines (see Annex A2), optional test specimen configurations (see Annex A3), designation of test specimen orientation (see Terminology E1823), and determining the shear fracture appearance (see Annex A4). In addition, information is provided on the significance of notched-bar impact testing (see Appendix X1), and methods of measuring the center of strike (see Appendix X2).
These test methods do not address the problems associated with impact testing at temperatures below "“196 °C (77 K).
The testing conditions also affect the notch behavior.
So pronounced is the effect of temperature on the behavior of steel when notched that comparisons are frequently made by examining specimen fractures and by plotting absorbed energy values and shear fracture appearance versus temperature from tests of notched bars at a series of temperatures. When the test temperature has been carried low enough to start cleavage fracture, there may be an extremely sharp drop in absorbed energy or there may be a relatively gradual falling off toward the lower temperatures. This drop in energy value starts when a specimen begins to exhibit some crystalline appearance in the fracture. The transition temperature at which this embrittling effect takes place varies considerably with the size of the part or test specimen and with the notch geometry.

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